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Drag and drop shops are here to help GMs out when the party inevitably asks if there’s anything interesting around. These will take the stress out of having to come up with somewhere on the fly and hopefully give your party a store that they will want to revisit time and time again. With NPCs, themed Magic Items, story hooks and more, never dread a spontaneous shopping trip ever again!

The Adoption Armoury is a curious place, tied up as it is in a mixture of haunted items, petty bookwork, and unusual characters, it is the perfect shop for those who would love a friend they could bring everywhere with them. Perhaps even one that could act on their behalf, if asked nicely enough. 

Inside you can find :

 - Pre-written Shop Descriptions

- 4 Fleshed out NPCs, with Descriptions and Stat Blocks

- 12 Sentient Items - A Roll Table for Revisiting

- A Guide for Buying and Selling.

 In this download you will get:

- A 44-Page Full Colour PDF

 - An 87-Page Printer Friendly PDF

 - NPC Art and Tokens

- Item Art

Each PDF features bookmarks and the ability to highlight and copy text, to make discovery as simple as possible.

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Get this Homebrew and 4 more for £8.00 GBP
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The Adoption 114 MB

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